Friday, April 1, 2011

The Week Of Total Chaos: As told by CJ

Oh boy, As of late...Its been a major week for me, What seems to be the problem? Well, Try dealing with a tornado and a secret spice of drama! Okay, Were should I even start now? Seriously, if I would've known for damn sure there was a storm ahead, I wouldn't have ran around in panic. It started off as a very decent Wednesday, School was fine and dandy...Nothing seemed to be out of place as usual, I liked the end of the day a lot better, Because in PE...I was unstoppable, I shouldn't have been the guard in this energetic game, Known as Flag Football. I also at the same time...Didn't even feel like running, I was out of it at this point. I lost most of my breath just chasing most of the players. But then again, I caught the best players that day. That's how we caught up to the team in the first place, But the scores are like something you'd see in fifa soccer, But only with a short time limit, Because the classes were never that long on a Wednesday. Skipping to the tornado part, I got home and basically did what I always do, Go on the internet. I was on skype, Talking to someone I hadn't spoke to in a while, By the name of Austin Lewis. We had a chat on wrestling and other things. I recently got a cat, named Fat Girl. I was going to call her over when I heard a big bang. She had ran away and I got puzzled, Just by the sound of it. I told Austin "Be right back, I need to check out what's going on outside."
I took off my headset and went to open the closed blinds, Only to see strong winds of gust and tree branch's following down, I was scared and I didn't know what to do, but just call my mom. I was freaking out, Totally confused and just near speechless. To make matters worse, The power went out and a huge tree branch hit our roof, On the second floor. We live in an a apartment community. I was afraid of this, I was afraid my life was in danger. After an hour passed, The storm was over, But the power was still out. I go outside, Only to see the branch hanging above me, By a thread. My mom didn't believe me, She thought that all teenager's "over exaggerate" but she didn't get was different from the others, That was her fault. But when she came home, She looked as if she was surprised...Its like "Hey mom, I told you and you didn't listen.". We didn't get power until it was the end of 9:30. So it was awesome to finally see lights again. The next day, I had to stay home from school because a small part of the storm came back. It was lightning outside and the winds were less powerful. It rained like crazy, But some force knock the branch off the roof, I guess it couldn't support itself and it ended up falling down. But now to the drama part, Well recently Div/AIJeseon and her friends left the WWEDX2007 Fan Nation Forums over most of my opinions, What kind of "adult" runs away from there problems? It was basically a subject on chess, CHESS! Of course, out of all the things that could have made someone leave, Its chess! She left with all her posts, So I couldn't show you any. But mikey was really mad about her leaving, He blamed it on me and personally, It wasn't honestly my fault. I blame anyone who can't take an opinion and I"ll leave it to that. The drama is flowing away now...
Anyways, I'm working on a new episode of The Ranter Kid and a Video Game Review series to take place on my channel as well, Stay tuned!

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