Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Macho Man Passing Away, Done with TRK, And an XJZ update.

If you guys didn't hear, "Macho Man" Randy Savage died. He had a heart attack and crashed his jeep into a tree, He died on the Impact...No reference to TNA. It was something that was believed to be in his medical history that had caused his death. He was a successful WWF/E Superstar in the mid 80s to 90s, He had everything a man could want. He had the girl, the money, the wrestling ability, the looks, the everything. I'm surprised he died to this day, He's one of those people you wouldn't think could die, But would sooner or later. I don't understand why it happened, But unfortunately, It just did. Even after his wrestling career, I bet he wanted to live a normal life after he completed his legacy. For him to be apart of the WWE Hall Of Fame Class 2012, Would be such a great amount of respect. He did a lot in WWF/E and WCW, I think this legend should be inducted into the HOF. This might take a while to heal fans wounds, Made a week or 2 could patch things up. But the "Macho Man" will never be forgotten, Not a single bit. The Ranter Kid Series is set to be finish its first revamped season, Two episodes remain and it WILL happen. XJZ still doesn't have employees yet, It will remain open until June 1st, Please join if you wish to keep the site up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Ranter Kid Delayed, Update On XJZ, And More.

After a 2 week hiatus from video making, I was finally ready to get The Ranter Kid series back on track and with some new topics that would spark some controversy. It was going to return this Monday, However it won't happen. Because the sound there isn't a sound driver for this computer! It broke when I was installing a game, It ran slow and I had to restart it. When I came back, It wouldn't get past the black screen. It is fixed now, But I didn't have the computer all week. The Internet driver was installed, But the sound driver isn't. No sound= No Audio, Meaning I can't record sound or even listen to music. Where is the talent? The talent for XJZ? Well, I honestly don't think anyone will want to come back after what happened in march. We had it build until it just fell apart on me. I couldn't really do it, So I shut it down for awhile. I wanted to get the band back together, But nobody seems to be very interested in joining right now. Looking for new people won't be easy, Not like the way it was before. To be honest, XJZ will be up until June 1st. If nobody joins, The site will be closed permanently. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like, But I can't keep this thing up forever. Either way, I may not even have a choice. As for the show I was talking about on twitter recently, Video Game Mascot Roomates features Sonic and Mario living with Master Chief, Its a comedy show that I am working on by myself. The script and sprites are all going to be done by me. I just need voice actors and some one that has experience with flash.
If VGMR can't be on XJZ, It will be here on CJ Projects.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Braching my work, Good or bad?

I'm very pleased with the way I make my videos nowadays, I feel like my skills have improved a lot more than when I started back in 2008. Don't get me started on my older videos now, Some of them may have sucked...But back during that time, It was my best effort and that made me stand out from other video makers on youtube. Face it, Right now I am growing more and more when it comes to being a producer. If there was a way I could have improved my video quality in the past, I would have got a better computer and some support as an extra. Videos are my passion, I work on them day and night. I bust my ass off just trying to make a decent video for everybody around the world to watch. The problem is that once in a while, There are people that will get all whiny about how "The video sucks!" or "Why couldn't this be good?" and some other examples. Sometimes you cannot impress everybody you know, Because half of them aren't very appreciative at all. But the world isn't rainbows and candy, So I'm stuck dealing with those people and there negative crap. Sometimes I want to do other things as well, Videos may be my passion...But am I good at some other things as too? That's a tough question, But to be honest here, I think I'm good at other things but I don't see what I could do. Its not that I don't want to do it, I just have that feeling where nobody will like that idea and reject it. So where else? I couldn't say, But who knows? I have been doing a lot of thinking recently and I might have that answer sooner than I thought.

Friday, April 22, 2011

XJZ Returns this summer.

XJZ has been brought back, Debuting its new logo. Despite there's no plans for video shows, There is a possibility of re-hiring most of our old employees. Depending on if they want to come back. Nothing is confirmed, But I just wanted to let everybody know that were back and nothing will shut it down again: Here is the link to the website:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ranter Kid Documentary And Come Back Of Shield X Game Reviews.

Everybody, Today I would like to make a very special announcement on behave of CJ Projects, For the production of the first ever movie-based documentary video that will be entitled as "Making History: Ranter Kid Style". It will be one hour and thirty-six minutes long, It is currently 10% done. I'm not going to reveal what will be in the documentary, But the only thing I will tell you is there will be things from my past in it, Including some footage. Also I will be bringing back Shield X Game Reviews to do the first ever game review on WWE All-Stars, Thank you for voting on the poll because this wouldn't have happened without you guys! Anyways, Sorry for the very short post, But I wanted to make this blog really quick and important at the same time. See you guys later!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Week Of Total Chaos: As told by CJ

Oh boy, As of late...Its been a major week for me, What seems to be the problem? Well, Try dealing with a tornado and a secret spice of drama! Okay, Were should I even start now? Seriously, if I would've known for damn sure there was a storm ahead, I wouldn't have ran around in panic. It started off as a very decent Wednesday, School was fine and dandy...Nothing seemed to be out of place as usual, I liked the end of the day a lot better, Because in PE...I was unstoppable, I shouldn't have been the guard in this energetic game, Known as Flag Football. I also at the same time...Didn't even feel like running, I was out of it at this point. I lost most of my breath just chasing most of the players. But then again, I caught the best players that day. That's how we caught up to the team in the first place, But the scores are like something you'd see in fifa soccer, But only with a short time limit, Because the classes were never that long on a Wednesday. Skipping to the tornado part, I got home and basically did what I always do, Go on the internet. I was on skype, Talking to someone I hadn't spoke to in a while, By the name of Austin Lewis. We had a chat on wrestling and other things. I recently got a cat, named Fat Girl. I was going to call her over when I heard a big bang. She had ran away and I got puzzled, Just by the sound of it. I told Austin "Be right back, I need to check out what's going on outside."
I took off my headset and went to open the closed blinds, Only to see strong winds of gust and tree branch's following down, I was scared and I didn't know what to do, but just call my mom. I was freaking out, Totally confused and just near speechless. To make matters worse, The power went out and a huge tree branch hit our roof, On the second floor. We live in an a apartment community. I was afraid of this, I was afraid my life was in danger. After an hour passed, The storm was over, But the power was still out. I go outside, Only to see the branch hanging above me, By a thread. My mom didn't believe me, She thought that all teenager's "over exaggerate" but she didn't get was different from the others, That was her fault. But when she came home, She looked as if she was surprised...Its like "Hey mom, I told you and you didn't listen.". We didn't get power until it was the end of 9:30. So it was awesome to finally see lights again. The next day, I had to stay home from school because a small part of the storm came back. It was lightning outside and the winds were less powerful. It rained like crazy, But some force knock the branch off the roof, I guess it couldn't support itself and it ended up falling down. But now to the drama part, Well recently Div/AIJeseon and her friends left the WWEDX2007 Fan Nation Forums over most of my opinions, What kind of "adult" runs away from there problems? It was basically a subject on chess, CHESS! Of course, out of all the things that could have made someone leave, Its chess! She left with all her posts, So I couldn't show you any. But mikey was really mad about her leaving, He blamed it on me and personally, It wasn't honestly my fault. I blame anyone who can't take an opinion and I"ll leave it to that. The drama is flowing away now...
Anyways, I'm working on a new episode of The Ranter Kid and a Video Game Review series to take place on my channel as well, Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

CJ V.S .The Internet

Imagine this, I'm in a boxing match against the Internet. With all the hardships I've had with over the years, I  just ready myself to face another round of beatings. If my real life wasn't tangled enough, The Internet had become a war zone, Ironically. I met some unpleasant people along the way, The type of people that really know how to get under your skin. I thought these people were cool at first, Then I saw there true colors. Lets just put it this way, I saw there video one day, It was a "commentary" on this little kid's video. All they did was make some immature remarks and pretty much made fun of his drawings, That's all they did. They were really having a blast boosting there egos, So good from them! While your living in your mother's basement, I'm doing stuff that's beyond the Internet. Such as real life and going outside, Unlike most people. So I thought about it, And decided to make a comment on the video:
And out of all the things they could have said, It was this:
(Disclaimer: I censored there username in order to avoid anymore drama.)
You thought they were going to follow that advice? Hell no, They act like a bunch of immature children, They rather stay that way too. For whatever reason, I replied to them with this:
Being the smart people they are, They thought of one last comment...A comment that would make history and so forth. Would you agree Its honestly smart? Or just plain stupid and bland? Take a look for yourself:

If you guessed bland and stupid, You are correct! Pat yourself on the back my kind sir! I commented on another video they made, But I don't want to get into anymore drama with you guys. I want to share some more crazy things that have been happening lately. This kid named Jacob Winkelman made a video on "The Ranter Kid Rants: Fat People" where he totally just missed the point of it all, Check it out:
For most of you who didn't get the video I had recently made, It wasn't suppose to be ME saying those things, It was The Ranter Kid. I decided to add something new to the series, I added some humor into the mix. Its less ranting and more comedy, That's where our very special friend got confused on. Sure, I was the character in the video but in real life its never that way. I do eat healthy and I never lack the exercise, The guy you saw in the video was a totally different person in the fat people rant. Its all for entertainment and some people just don't get that aspect at all. The Ranter Kid is suppose to be a hypocrite in the video, That's what made it funny in the first place. And to confuse me for the character is the dumbest mistake you could ever make. Who knew a kid like this could forget the point of the video? Then again....

...This is an autistic kid who touched his mom's breast.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Site opening and future videos.

Lets see, I've created a new website, Check. I brought back "The Ranter Kid" Series, Check. I have some Ideas for different kinds of video, Blank. Now I can't seem to figure out what else might be my next solo video series. Its been a few weeks and still not a single Idea comes to mind, Maybe I'm just too busy for this type of stuff. Do you have any Ideas? If so, I made a poll for you guys to vote on. I have different types of genres on the poll, If that one genre is voted the highest, I will do that type of video series on my youtube channel. I'm gonna leave it to that and talk about the site that is now open to the public viewing. I found something that fits as the perfect place to host some of my content on, I know most of you have seen me go from wetpaint to moon fruit  and to make It clear, It MIGHT be the last time I start switching sites. Many of you have questions about my quote on quote, "Hate for freewebs". Just let me make this clear so all you can understand this, I don't hate freewebs, I just dislike the limited services It provides. I'm better off on blogger than anywhere else at the moment, I need something that doesn't suck and easy to maintain. Is that just too much to ask for? I thank you all enough for the support you've given me, But sometimes Its hard. It took me awhile to realize I was being controlled, Told when something was right or wrong. This time I'm sorry to say, Is different. I want to do something on my own and In order to do so, I have to cross out whatever prevents my solo projects from being the way I want them to be. I want to shape my own vision, My own place, My own videos. I could get rid of the fat when It came to running a site like XJZ Entertainment, Everybody claimed that there Idea was the right way to run the company, But really In the end...That ended up destroying what could have been the future, Until the fat ruined It all. That's why I may not do something like that ever again...Now everybody is comparing It to the Naw Kids. Just now, I want to do my own thing. the important part of my life when I enjoyed making videos on my own. I ended It just for XJZ. I ended "The Ranter Kid" Series for XJZ. I moved on just for the sake of XJZ. I wanted to have people come together, And combine there work, But in the all just killed it. A few people that were apart of XJZ completely disrespected It, But there the ones who joined...Why would It be my fault? I gave you bandwidth and I let you be apart of something really special. What do you do? You start complaining about how much It sucks and how the videos just won't cut it. You see, That's were the down fall is. Sorry you didn't watch my work, Sorry you did like what I gave you, Sorry your videos were no better to begin with! Besides the drama part of all this, Now I just want to start off fresh with this site, A site created by just me again. Screw the haters, Forget the backstabbers, And a commentary group that won't make It far. I got my own place, So I don't have to hear you bitch and moan about the things I do for you. Now I can finally let everyone see my original work once again and truly be the person I once was, A long time ago. With all that said, I will update this site with more things soon. I don't know what yet, But I like to bring the past back...We'll see.